Produse pentru un carbonat (450)

PPGI - Foaie de oțel galvanizat vopsit

PPGI - Foaie de oțel galvanizat vopsit

Le lamiere zincate sono trasformate in lamiere verniciate con varie opzioni di colore attraverso uno speciale processo di verniciatura superficiale. I prodotti offerti in colori come RAL9002, RAL3009, RAL7016 sono rivestiti con pellicola protettiva e vernice di finitura per ottenere un aspetto perfetto. Tecnologia e durata insieme: La superficie delle lamiere d'acciaio viene rinforzata con i processi di verniciatura di fondo e di rivestimento con film in PET. La spessa vernice di finitura a base di PVC offre elevata flessibilità, resistenza ai graffi e proprietà estetiche. Il Plastisol può essere utilizzato in modo sicuro sia all'interno che all'esterno in coperture, rivestimenti e sistemi di grondaie. Aree di utilizzo: Le lastre preverniciate sono preferite in molti settori, dall'arredamento all'edilizia. Combinano estetica e durata, essendo utilizzate in rotoli, lastre, forme trapezoidali, ondulate e goffrate. Tipo di prodotto:Taglio, Taglio a misura, Bobina, Nastro, Piastra Larghezza del rotolo:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Spessore:0,30 mm-1,20 mm Qualità :DX51-DX52-DX53-D+Z S220-S280-S300 ecc. Tipo di vernice:Poliestere, PVdF, plastisol, PVC, poliuretano
Cărbune de măsline - Reducerea emisiilor de CO2

Cărbune de măsline - Reducerea emisiilor de CO2

El uso de estos biocarbones contribuye a reducir las emisiones de dióxido de carbono (CO2), ya que se trata de un material de origen renovable y su combustión emite menos CO2 que el coque fósil. Además, el CO2 liberado es neutro desde el punto de vista del ciclo del carbono, ya que los olivos que han generado la biomasa utilizada por Carboliva para producir biocarbón absorben CO2 de la atmósfera en la fotosíntesis para producir cada cosecha de aceituna
Kelteks Carbon Unidirecțional 300 - Țesătură Unidirecțională Fără Crease

Kelteks Carbon Unidirecțional 300 - Țesătură Unidirecțională Fără Crease

Unidirectional ( UD ) fabric is one in which main, long, structural fibers are oriented in one direction, held in place by secondary nonstructural stitching threads. Structural orientation can be in 0 or 90”. Unidirectional fabrics are offering the ability to place fibres in the component exactly where it is required and in the optimum quantity. Material:Carbon Fiber Weight:300g Width:20 - 160cm Length:50 - 500m
Solidian Formă Patch Săgeată - Consolidare Seismică

Solidian Formă Patch Săgeată - Consolidare Seismică

Cracks usually appear first where the building structure is the weakest joints, corners, edges! And cracks can travel through walls over time if they are not stopped, further weakening the structure of your building. We think it is best to make sure that cracks do not start in the first place. Strong carbon fiber reinforcement mesh Up to seven times higher tensile strength compared to structural steel No corrosion so it’s very durable Our special solidian ANTICRACK rough sanded surface for superior bonding properties 3D corner shaped to all corners and edges Connects walls with ceilings and floors Easy to handle and apply Material:Carbon Fiber
Solidian Remat Ar 4mm - Întărire Plasă de Armare

Solidian Remat Ar 4mm - Întărire Plasă de Armare

solidian REMATs are produced of our noncorrosive and extremely strong solidian REBARs. The rebars are attached to each other by durable and solid injection molded crossing points forming the rigid mat. As a result, solidian REMATs are combining the same unbelievable mechanical properties of our solidian REBARs with the efficient handling of a robust mat on site. You do not need to knot together with your rebars in your prefab plant or construction site saving time and money. The solid injection points are enabling that you can walk on solidian REMATs. So what is the argument to still use steel or stainless steel? corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic Material:Glass Fiber Width:dia 4mm
Briquette - un amestec de biocarbune din oase și pulpă de măsline

Briquette - un amestec de biocarbune din oase și pulpă de măsline

En Carboliva fabricamos carbón de hueso y de pulpa de aceituna. Su composición es de 70-30% respectivamente. Es un biocarbón totalmente renovable y que nadie más fabrica. Tiene un alto poder calorífico debido al su alto contenido en carbono y funcionan muy bien en las barbacoas y restaurantes.
Plăci Laminat la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Plăci Laminat la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Les brames produites par la méthode de coulée continue forment des bobines laminées à chaud d'une épaisseur comprise entre 1,40 et 25,00 mm après un processus de chauffage spécial. Ces produits sont utilisés comme matières premières dans de nombreux secteurs industriels tels que les profilés de tuyauterie, l'industrie du bâtiment, la fabrication de machines, les étagères industrielles et les solutions de stockage, la construction navale et les machines agricoles. Spécifications du produit : S235JR, S235J2, S235J0 S275JR, S275J2, S275J0 S355JR, S355J2, S355J0 Avantages Offre une grande diversité avec une large gamme d'épaisseurs. Les brames produites par la méthode de coulée continue atteignent des performances élevées avec des traitements thermiques spéciaux. Elles offrent la possibilité d'utiliser une matière première fiable dans divers secteurs industriels. La bobine d'acier laminée à chaud (HRC) est une solution polyvalente qui répond aux différents Type de produit:Refendage, Coupe à longueur, Bobine, Bande, Plaque Largeur du rouleau:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Qualité:S235JR - S275JR - S355JR etc.
Foi Laminat la Rece - Bobine de oțel laminat la rece

Foi Laminat la Rece - Bobine de oțel laminat la rece

Hot rolled and acid cleaned sheet is enriched by special processes. It reaches the desired thickness by reversible or tandem rolling. At this stage, the sheet is hardened, but becomes formable by continuous annealing or batch annealing. Tempering is applied to improve its mechanical properties. Quality control is ensured through tests and the tempered sheet is shipped in accordance with customer requirements. Cold Rolled Steel Sheet, which is obtained by re-rolling hot rolled and pickled products, has precise dimensions and high surface quality. Product Specifications: DC01, DC03, DC04, DC05, DC06 DC01EK, DC04EK, DC01ED, DC04ED HC260LA, HC320LA, HC380LA, HC420LA Application Areas: Automotive, White Goods, Machinery Manufacturing, Building Industry, Industrial Warehouse Solutions, Panel/Radiator, Fasteners. As, we bring together quality and diversity in cold rolled sheet and offer the highest level of value to our customers.
Bobine din oțel carbon - Dimensiuni și grosimi diferite de oțel carbon

Bobine din oțel carbon - Dimensiuni și grosimi diferite de oțel carbon

Los productos de acero al carbono tienen aplicaciones en diversos sectores. Materiales de construcción, piezas de automoción, cuchillos, herramientas y mucho más se fabrican con acero al carbono. Nuestro equipo de expertos elabora productos de acero al carbono a medida para satisfacer las necesidades de su empresa. Con nuestro equipo de expertos y nuestra amplia gama de productos, ofrecemos productos de acero al carbono adaptados a sus necesidades. Descubra nuestro símbolo de resistencia y durabilidad en productos de acero al carbono. Visite nuestra página Obtenga un presupuesto.
Foi - Foi din oțel carbon tăiate la dimensiune

Foi - Foi din oțel carbon tăiate la dimensiune

Zastosowania blach ze stali węglowej Zastosowania blach ze stali węglowej są dość rozległe. Oto kilka przykładów: Budownictwo: Blachy ze stali węglowej są szeroko stosowane w dużych projektach budowlanych do ram konstrukcyjnych, mostów i innych. Przemysł motoryzacyjny: Są one wykorzystywane w przemyśle motoryzacyjnym do produkcji podwozi i elementów nadwozia. Przemysł morski: Ze względu na odporność na wodę morską, blachy ze stali węglowej są wykorzystywane w przemyśle stoczniowym. Elektrownie: Blachy ze stali węglowej służą jako trwałe materiały powłokowe w elektrowniach, wytrzymując wysokie temperatury i ciśnienia. Zalety blach ze stali węglowej Blachy ze stali węglowej mają kilka zalet: Efektywność kosztowa: Są bardziej opłacalne w porównaniu do innych materiałów. Wysoka wytrzymałość: Blachy ze stali węglowej są w stanie wytrzymać duże obciążenia. Szeroki zakres zastosowań Skontaktuj się z nami, aby zaspokoić swoje potrzeby w zakresie blach.
PPGI - Foaie Galvanizată Vopsită

PPGI - Foaie Galvanizată Vopsită

As chapas galvanizadas com revestimento de zinco são transformadas em chapas pintadas com várias opções de cores por meio de um processo especial de pintura de superfície. Os produtos oferecidos em cores como RAL9002, RAL3009, RAL7016 são revestidos com película protetora e tinta de acabamento para obter uma aparência perfeita. Tecnologia e durabilidade juntas: A superfície da chapa de aço é reforçada com tinta primer e processos de revestimento com filme PET. O revestimento espesso à base de PVC oferece alta flexibilidade, resistência a arranhões e propriedades de estilo. O Plastisol pode ser usado com segurança em ambientes internos e externos em sistemas de telhados, revestimentos e calhas. Áreas de uso: As chapas pré-pintadas são preferidas em muitos setores, desde móveis até construção. Elas combinam estética e durabilidade ao serem usadas em rolos, chapas, formas trapezoidais, corrugadas e em relevo. Tipo de produto:Corte em tiras, Corte no comprimento, Bobina, Fita, Placa Largura do rolo:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Espessura :0,30 mm-1,20 mm Qualidade :DX51-DX52-DX53-D+Z S220-S280-S300 etc. Tipo de tinta:Poliéster, PVdF, Plastisol, PVC, Poliuretano


Solidian Remat Basalt 4mm - Întărire plasă de armare

Solidian Remat Basalt 4mm - Întărire plasă de armare

solidian REMATs are produced of our noncorrosive and extremely strong solidian REBARs. The rebars are attached to each other by durable and solid injection molded crossing points forming the rigid mat. As a result, solidian REMATs are combining the same unbelievable mechanical properties of our solidian REBARs with the efficient handling of a robust mat on site. You do not need to knot together with your rebars in your prefab plant or construction site saving time and money. The solid injection points are enabling that you can walk on solidian REMATs. So what is the argument to still use steel or stainless steel? corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic sustainable and resourcesaving fewer construction materials are required and the service life is increased Material:Basalt Fiber Width:dia 4mm
Conector Solidian Capăt Deschis Unic Carbon Dia4 - Ancorare Chimică pentru Întărirea Carbonului

Conector Solidian Capăt Deschis Unic Carbon Dia4 - Ancorare Chimică pentru Întărirea Carbonului

Noncorrosive Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass connector with Single or Double Open End suitable for construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults. Perfect for reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas. construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas extremely rigid and strong extremely durable noncorrosive high strength shear resistance alkali resistant Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass fibers different diameters and lengths for every dimension of the wall fast & easy installation alkali resistant epoxy for lime or cementbased mortars suitable for interventions on buildings of historical and cultural heritage compatible with any hydraulic or chemical matrix used for grouting For much more information visit our website. Material:Carbon Fiber width:dia 4mm
Plăci de oțel laminate la rece - Bobine de oțel laminate la rece

Plăci de oțel laminate la rece - Bobine de oțel laminate la rece

La chapa laminada en caliente y limpiada al ácido se enriquece mediante procesos especiales. Alcanza el grosor deseado mediante laminado reversible o en tándem. En esta fase, la chapa se endurece, pero se vuelve moldeable mediante recocido continuo o recocido discontinuo. El revenido se aplica para mejorar sus propiedades mecánicas. El control de calidad se garantiza mediante ensayos y la chapa templada se envía de acuerdo con los requisitos del cliente. La chapa de acero laminado en frío, que se obtiene relaminando productos laminados en caliente y decapados, tiene unas dimensiones precisas y una gran calidad superficial. Especificaciones del producto: DC01, DC03, DC04, DC05, DC06 DC01EK, DC04EK, DC01ED, DC04ED HC260LA, HC320LA, HC380LA, HC420LA Áreas de aplicación: Automoción, Electrodomésticos, Fabricación de Maquinaria, Industria de la Construcción, Soluciones para Almacenes Industriales, Panel/Radiador, Fijaciones.
Solidian Armătură Carbon 8mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

Solidian Armătură Carbon 8mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

solidian REBARs are combining highstrength fibers with extremely resistant resins in the production process named pultrusion. Here carbon or glass fibers are oriented extremely straight, impregnated by resin and hardened. solidian REBARs are realizing unbelievable high and durable loadbearing capacities up to most extreme demands. This is the result of the combination of the straightness of the fibers and the selectable big diameters of the crosssection. As such solidian REBARs are accessible onsite. So they are the ideal noncorrosive substitution for metallic reinforcements for everybody who is interested in economical and ecological sustainability. corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic Material:Carbon Fiber width:dia 8mm
Conector Solidian Capăt Deschis Unic Carbon Dia6 - Ancorare Chimică a Întăririi din Carbon

Conector Solidian Capăt Deschis Unic Carbon Dia6 - Ancorare Chimică a Întăririi din Carbon

Noncorrosive Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass connector with Single or Double Open End suitable for construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults. Perfect for reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas. construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas extremely rigid and strong extremely durable noncorrosive high strength shear resistance alkali resistant Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass fibers different diameters and lengths for every dimension of the wall fast & easy installation alkali resistant epoxy for lime or cementbased mortars suitable for interventions on buildings of historical and cultural heritage compatible with any hydraulic or chemical matrix used for grouting For much more information visit our website. Material:Carbon Fiber Width:dia 6mm
PPGI - Oțel Zincat Vopsit

PPGI - Oțel Zincat Vopsit

Les tôles galvanisées revêtues de zinc sont transformées en tôles peintes de différentes couleurs grâce à un processus spécial de peinture de surface. Les produits proposés dans des couleurs telles que RAL9002, RAL3009, RAL7016 sont recouverts d'un film protecteur et d'une couche de peinture de finition pour obtenir un aspect parfait. Technologie et durabilité réunies : La surface de la tôle d'acier est renforcée par des procédés de peinture d'apprêt et de revêtement par film PET. La couche de finition épaisse à base de PVC offre une grande flexibilité, une résistance aux rayures et des propriétés stylistiques. Le Plastisol peut être utilisé en toute sécurité à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur pour les toitures, les bardages et les systèmes de gouttières. Domaines d'application : Les feuilles prépeintes sont préférées dans de nombreux secteurs, de l'ameublement à la construction. Elles allient esthétique et durabilité en étant utilisées sous forme de rouleaux, de feuilles, de formes Type de produit:Refendage, coupe à longueur, bobine, bande, plaque Largeur du rouleau:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Epaisseur :0,30 mm-1,20 mm Qualité :DX51-DX52-DX53-D+Z S220-S280-S300 etc. Type de peinture:Polyester, PVdF, Plastisol, PVC, Polyuréthane
Foaie Metalică - Tăierea Foilor de Oțel Carbon

Foaie Metalică - Tăierea Foilor de Oțel Carbon

Anwendungen von Kohlenstoffstahlblechen Die Anwendungen von Kohlenstoffstahlblechen sind recht umfangreich. Hier sind einige Beispiele: Bauwesen: Kohlenstoffstahlbleche werden in großen Bauprojekten für Tragwerke, Brücken und vieles mehr verwendet. Autoindustrie: Sie werden in der Automobilindustrie für Fahrgestell- und Karosserieteile verwendet. Maritim: Aufgrund ihrer Beständigkeit gegen Seewasser werden Kohlenstoffstahlbleche im Schiffbau verwendet. Kraftwerke: Kohlenstoffstahlbleche dienen in Kraftwerken als langlebige Beschichtungsmaterialien, die hohen Temperaturen und Drücken standhalten. Vorteile von Kohlenstoffstahlblechen Kohlenstoffstahlbleche bieten mehrere Vorteile: Kosteneffizienz: Sie sind im Vergleich zu anderen Materialien kostengünstiger. Hohe Festigkeit: Kohlenstoffstahlbleche sind in der Lage, schweren Belastungen standzuhalten. Breites Spektrum an Anwendungen: Sie sind für verschiedene Anwendungen in unterschiedlichen Branchen geeignet.




Solidian Armătură Carbon 16mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

Solidian Armătură Carbon 16mm - Bare din Fibre de Carbon

solidian REBARs are combining highstrength fibers with extremely resistant resins in the production process named pultrusion. Here carbon or glass fibers are oriented extremely straight, impregnated by resin and hardened. solidian REBARs are realizing unbelievable high and durable loadbearing capacities up to most extreme demands. This is the result of the combination of the straightness of the fibers and the selectable big diameters of the crosssection. As such solidian REBARs are accessible onsite. So they are the ideal noncorrosive substitution for metallic reinforcements for everybody who is interested in economical and ecological sustainability. corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic Material:Carbon Fiber width:dia 16mm
Conector Solidian Dublu Capăt Deschis Carbon Dia6 - Ancorare Chimică Întărire din Carbon

Conector Solidian Dublu Capăt Deschis Carbon Dia6 - Ancorare Chimică Întărire din Carbon

Noncorrosive Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass connector with Single or Double Open End suitable for construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults. Perfect for reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas. construction reinforcement in masonry, arches, and vaults reinforcement of buildings in earthquakeaffected areas extremely rigid and strong extremely durable noncorrosive high strength shear resistance alkali resistant Carbon, Basalt, or ARGlass fibers different diameters and lengths for every dimension of the wall fast & easy installation alkali resistant epoxy for lime or cementbased mortars suitable for interventions on buildings of historical and cultural heritage compatible with any hydraulic or chemical matrix used for grouting For much more information visit our website. Material:Carbon Fiber Width:dia 6mm
Solidian Remat Carbon 4mm - Întărire Plasă de Fier

Solidian Remat Carbon 4mm - Întărire Plasă de Fier

solidian REMATs are produced of our noncorrosive and extremely strong solidian REBARs. The rebars are attached to each other by durable and solid injection molded crossing points forming the rigid mat. As a result, solidian REMATs are combining the same unbelievable mechanical properties of our solidian REBARs with the efficient handling of a robust mat on site. You do not need to knot together with your rebars in your prefab plant or construction site saving time and money. The solid injection points are enabling that you can walk on solidian REMATs. So what is the argument to still use steel or stainless steel? corrosionresistant thinner concrete cover, longer service life, lower refurbishment costs reduced weight with higher tensile strength high tensile strength lower overall construction costs electronically isolating and nonmagnetic sustainable and resourcesaving fewer construction materials are required and the service life is increased Material:Carbon Fiber Width:dia 4mm
solidian eGRID - Grilă Electroconductivă

solidian eGRID - Grilă Electroconductivă

Specially developed flexible grids in combination with electroconductive coatings provide high tensile strength and outstanding electro conductive properties solidian eGRID is now also available with different conductive surface treatments for special applications in which electrical conductivity is important. What is the problem? While raw carbon fibers themselves have very good electrical conductivity textile reinforcements are usually impregnated with a polymer that insulates the grid. Depending on the product and the impregnation polymer the surface of the carbon fibers is more or less covered and can not be electrically connected. The new technology allows us to generate a fully conductive surface of the reinforcement and to connect all carbon filaments to one conductive unit. Material:Carbon Fiber
Cărbune de măsline - Caracteristici fizice și chimice

Cărbune de măsline - Caracteristici fizice și chimice

Estos biocarbones tienen propiedades físicas y químicas adecuadas para su uso en procesos metalúrgicos. Por ejemplo, su contenido en carbono y su estructura porosa facilitan la reacción química y su elevada pureza minimiza la introducción de impurezas en el metal producido. Un pH básico ayuda a mantener la basicidad de la escoria -Economía circular y aprovechamiento de SUBPRODUCTOS El biocarbón de Carboliva se produce a partir de huesos de aceituna o pulpa de aceituna y el gas de síntesis generado en el proceso de pirólisis se utiliza para generar energía térmica, para el requirimiento del propia pirólisis, y para el proceso de extracción del orujo de oliva y secado de la biomasa húmeda, para producir aceite de orujo de oliva, Lo que contribuye a una economía circular. Esto no sólo reduce la dependencia de los recursos no renovables, sino que también proporciona una forma útil de tratar los subproductos orgánicos
Solidian Grid Q47-cce-38 - Consolidare din Carbon pentru Beton

Solidian Grid Q47-cce-38 - Consolidare din Carbon pentru Beton

solidian GRID is textile reinforcement made from various fibers such as carbon, glass, basalt, or hybrid and therefore is ultralightweight. Compared to classic steel reinforcement, solidian reinforcements have up to 7 times higher tensile strength and do not corrode. Our reinforcements are extremely versatile and can be used in areas where usually only stainless steel reinforcement or structures with increased concrete cover are used. solidian reinforements require only the minimum concrete cover and thus contribute to savings in material and transport costs. For much more information visit our website. Material:Carbon + Epoxy
Foaie Laminată la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Foaie Laminată la Cald - Bobine de Oțel Laminat la Cald

Плочите, произведени по метода на непрекъснато леене, образуват горещо валцувани листове с дебелина от 1,40 до 25,00 mm след специални процеси на нагряване. Тези продукти се използват като суровини в много промишлени сектори, като например производство на тръби и профили, строителна промишленост, производство на машини, промишлени рафтове/складови решения, корабостроене и селскостопанска техника. Спецификации на продукта: S235JR, S235J2, S235J0 S275JR, S275J2, S275J0 S355JR, S355J2, S355J0 Предимства Предлага разнообразие с широк диапазон от дебелини. Плочите, произведени по метода на непрекъснато леене, достигат високи експлоатационни характеристики със специална термична обработка. Предоставя възможност да се използват като надеждна суровина в различни промишлени сектори. Горещовалцуваните стоманени рулони (HRC) са универсално решение, което отговаря на различни нужди в индустрията. Вид на продукта:Нарязване, рязане по дължина, рулони, ленти, плочи Ширина на рулото:1000 mm - 1200 mm - 1250 mm - 1500 mm Качество:S235JR - S275JR - S355JR и др.
Solidian Flex Grid Car-420-ccs-14x18-ms - Armare din Carbon pentru Tencuială

Solidian Flex Grid Car-420-ccs-14x18-ms - Armare din Carbon pentru Tencuială

Advanced production technology allows us to fulfill special market demands for flexible reinforcements, according to application or customer needs. Specially developed carbon flexible grids in combination with a variety of different coatings and fillers provide superior tensile strength, improved bonding to the matrix, increased impact resistance, and ultimate crack resistance. Flexibility without compromising strength Easy installation onsite as it comes in a roll Simple, largearea installation due to common standard dimensions Tensile strength up to 6 times higher than steel Excellent for restoration application due to flexible and easy installation properties High mechanical strength Electrically conductive (for monitoring and heating) solidian eGRID Very high elastic modulus for small deflections in building elements UltraLightweight Roll option in different dimensions Panels optional on request Material:Carbon Fiber Type:Roll
Solidian Flex Grid Car-385-ccs-7x7 - Armătură din Carbon pentru Gips

Solidian Flex Grid Car-385-ccs-7x7 - Armătură din Carbon pentru Gips

Advanced production technology allows us to fulfill special market demands for flexible reinforcements, according to application or customer needs. Specially developed carbon flexible grids in combination with a variety of different coatings and fillers provide superior tensile strength, improved bonding to the matrix, increased impact resistance, and ultimate crack resistance. Flexibility without compromising strength Easy installation onsite as it comes in a roll Simple, largearea installation due to common standard dimensions Tensile strength up to 6 times higher than steel Excellent for restoration application due to flexible and easy installation properties High mechanical strength Electrically conductive (for monitoring and heating) solidian eGRID Very high elastic modulus for small deflections in building elements UltraLightweight Roll option in different dimensions Panels optional on request Material:Carbon Fiber Type:Roll